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Welcome to the dancesWithMachines web (readme) page!
Here you can find information about my projects, docs or me.

  1. Articles on this page
  2. Projects
  3. My media
  4. About me
    1. Experience
    2. Education
    3. Languages
  5. About this site

Articles on this page

Klik - docs / user guide
dwm-pico-5110-LCD - Nokia 5110 LCD library for Raspberry Pi pico
Running RetroPie on TV box


I share my creations via youtube or github. Here are my favorite.

Klik - open source fingerbot [GitHub | Documentation | Thingiverse | OSHWLab]
Running RetroPie on TV box [Article on Hackaday | Youtube | Article]
Controlling automobile instrument cluster [GitHub | YouTube]
Poorman's NAS - DIY NAS on cheap [YouTube]
Making a mini mac mini (arm computer from tv box) [YouTube]
DIY rack'alike [YouTube | Thingiverse]
Headless gaming server [YouTube]

Thinkz - Smartpen (article in Polish)
RetroPie, Without The Pi - Hackaday

About me

My name is Mateusz. I create and share my private projects as Timax under "dancesWithMachines" name. I'm a former employee of Intel Corp, where I was developing storage management software for Linux.

I have a strong need for feeling, that the stuff I do has some purpose. That's why I am a type of person who learns best by practicing. Overtime I acquired patience and steadfastness to solve various kinds of problems as well as ability to come up with unconventional solutions.

If had to describe my relation with CS I would sum it up as "I like tinkering with stuff". I think that the aspect I like the most is how software interacts with hardware. I'm keen on low level programming and languages like C, but privately I also tinker with embeded solutions. I like it, because it often relies on making standalone devices from ground up and involve both manual and mental labour. In the process I often get to use different technologies like 3d printing or integration with different solutions like I did with Google Assistant in my "Klik" project. My passion to tinkering is not limited to my projects. I am generally interested in how stuff (software, devices, machines) works and in new technologies, that's why it's always hard for me to point one thing I like.

In terms of my other hobbies, I really enjoy traveling abroad, amateur video making and I'm passionate about cars (although I don't own a good one). I believe in so called "creative procrastination" so I often try to spend my time creatively, but when I'm too tired I do enjoy some good games and anime. I'm not kind of person to dream about unreachable, but if I had to tell what my dream is, it would probably to visit Japan.

Professionally, I call myself a programmer or developer but in reality I do more than that. My experience comes from software maintenance, so mostly stuff related to: debugging (on software, system and sometimes even hardware level), investigating issues, bug fixing and processes like testing / validating software or working with customers. Although it was not in the main scope of my work, I also had a chance to both write test cases and implement. I'am no stranger to working with open-source communities, Linux is my natural habitat.

My media

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YouTube Channel


Intel Corporation

Software development intern
August 2021 - July 2023
Development of storage management software for Linux
Skills / Knowledge:



University of GdaƄsk
October 2018 - July 2023
Bachelor's degree: Computer Science and Econometrics
Masters degree: Computer Science and Econometrics



Level C1 - confirmed by a certificate



About this site

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