
Hello World!

01 Nov 2024

Welcome to the new dancesWithMachines web page!

What’s Changed

This page will now become a personal blog. I was inspired by Jeff Geerling and decided I needed a platform where I could share whatever I’m currently working that doesn’t warrant a full YouTube video or fits my usual content there.

I also chose to streamline content by removing the “About Me” wall of text and don’t repeat what can be found in my LinkedIn profile.

Another obvious change is the styling of this webpage and the technology behind it. This site is now built with Jekyll and uses the Serial Programmer theme, developed by Sharad Raj. I hope this shift results in a minimalist yet organized user experience.

What’s Next

First up, I’ll publish some older posts that haven’t been shared elsewhere to make sure they’re not lost. Some of these have personal meaning; others are follow-ups to YouTube videos.

What’s actually next? I dunno, and that’s the beauty of it.

I don’t really enjoy when people ask me about my hobbies. My hobbies are whatever I feel like exploring at the time. Sure, I enjoy skiing, swimming, cars, and recently started riding motorcycles. Of course, I love tinkering with computers and technology… but are these really “hobbies”? Why limit my interests to a specific category? What’s the right answer to “what’s your hobby”?

One of my goals for this new site is to have a place to direct people where I can say, “Look, this is my creative side, this is what I do in my spare time.” Whenever I do something creative or interesting, even if it’s a simple project, I’ll share it here if I feel it is worth it.

Why Now

Changes in my career are inevitably approaching, and I know recruiters will be checking this page. The original site was “designed” back when I was still a student; it’s time for a refresh.

Also, I think turning points in life are good reasons to intentionally make a change in oneself. So here it is, the beginning of the dancesWithMachines blog by Mateusz Kusiak (Timax).